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eChrysalis Revenue Cycle Management


 Autonomous of accounting or billing, claims processing is the part of the revenue cycle where claims for reimbursement sent from a provider to a payer are taken in, verified, and paid.  

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Autonomous of accounting or billing, claims processing is the part of the revenue cycle where claims for reimbursement sent from a provider to a payer are taken in

eChrysalis Staffing Solutions


Today, organizations are either downsizing, rightsizing, delayering or re-engineering their operation to be competitive in this global economy.

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eChrysalis for HealthCare

2016 and 2017 will present even more challenges to healthcare executives in this increasingly competitive ecosystem. Hospitals, Physician Networks,

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We at eChrysalis understand that an IT technology investment can be a big step, and much of the choice is about trust, and the integrity, and experience of who you've chosen to help you. We also understand that technology by itself is useless unless it helps you achieve your business objectives. Most companies are in business to do something other than maintain their computer networks, and learn the intricacies of computers and computer networking. But building and proactively maintaining a computer operation (correctly) is a challenge - even if you have a full-time IT staff. You've got to consider where to go for hardware and software, what you need to make it work, and finding someone truly competent that you can trust, who will be around to support you long after the sale. And finding a local company that has experience, with people who can listen to your needs, and then respond in plain English, and get the job done right is even harder. This section identifies the "Best of Breed" products selected to meet your business objectives.